
 بمناسبة مرور سنة على الاحتلال التركي ومرتزقته لمنطقة رأس العين وتل أبيض

مترجمة إلى اللغة الانكليزية 

On the occasion 1st anniversary of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries of 

Ras al-Ain and Tal Abyad


On the ninth of October 2019, the  Turkish army and its mercenaries of the militias of ” the Syrian National Army annexed to the National Syrian Coalition and Islamic extremist militias; launched a brutal military operation named “Peace Spring” against the safe cities of Ras Al Ain ( Sereh Kaniyeh) and Tal Abyad ( Gire Sipi) ; using all kinds of heavy and lethal weapons, including internationally prohibited phosphorous and smart bombs, which killed hundreds of civilian casualties and caused mass destruction in the region. .

A year after the Turkish occupation of this region, the Turkish state and its mercenaries affiliated factions are still continuing to commit atrocities against the indigenous inhabitants of the region through daily violations that amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity, according to reports of international and local human rights bodies. Due to the military actions of the Turkish army and its mercenaries, the region has witnessed a massive exodus of the original inhabitants made up of Kurds, Arabs, Syrians, Assyrians and other components of the region to escape the hostilities. Afterwards, a large-scale demographic change process would continue through the deliberate forcible displacement of its remaining indigenous population and putting restrictions on them by various means and by force of arms, including confiscation, stealing and burning of property, the confiscation of livelihoods and agricultural crops. Not only that, but there were arrests and forced detention that affected innocent citizens, including women, elderly, children, people with special needs, and torturing them to death. Moreover, they brought in families of mercenary fighters and settled them down in the occupied regions in an attempt to change the cultural, religious and social features of the region.

Every now and then, the Turkish occupation authorities and their mercenaries resort to inhuman actions that amount to war crimes by cutting off potable water at Alouk water pumping station to the residents of the regions under the rule of the Self-Administration, which threatens a humanitarian catastrophe awaiting the entire region at a time whereby coronavirus pandemic is sweeping the region.

The continuation of the Turkish state and its mercenaries from the Islamic brigades affiliated with the Syrian Coalition in their hostile policy towards all peoples of the region in the east of the Euphrates in general and the Kurdish people of Syria in particular, in addition to its ongoing occupation of those areas and its continuous threat to invade them militarily to the full view of the international community’s without taking any action lets us down  with the international system and its existing institutions in preserving international peace, protecting security and stability in the region and protecting civilians in accordance with international covenants and treaties and the laws of human rights and peoples to live in peace and harmony .

While we remember together the tragedies and woes of this aggression against our people, we hold the Turkish state and the Syrian National Coalition responsible for these crimes against the peoples of the region; we demand, through you, to put pressure on them and put an end to these criminal and inhuman acts against our Kurdish people and the peoples of the region and put an end to this brutal occupation of the region and all occupied Syrian areas.

We also call upon the international community to secure the basic and necessary needs to end the effects of this aggression, secure the safe return of its indigenous people, and provide support and assistance to them, especially in light of the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the region and the world in general. .


Europe’s Organization of the Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria ( Yekiti)

Europe’s Organization of the Kurdish Democratic Progressive Party in Syria
