التقرير الاسبوعي ـ عفرين تحت الاحتلال ( 153)
مترجم إلى اللغة الانكليزية
Afrin under occupation (153):
The violated villages of “Berjekeh and Qileh”, the release of forcibly disappeared detainees, chaos, disorder and sporadic violations
It is not surprising that the Justice and Development Government-Turkey has recruited thousands of agents from the Syrian militia loyal to it for military missions in Afghanistan, as they have always had a history of mercenaryism – in Ankara – against their compatriots, as well as in Libya and Azerbaijan as they practiced theft and criminality without being ashamed.
Here is this new monitoring of the facts of violations and crimes committed in Afrin:
= Village Berjekeh “Bircikê”:
It is located north-east of Jenderes district, 7 km away from its center, and consists of about /28 houses = 150 people/ – including /8 families = 50 people/ of the Arab components (who lived in the village after the implementation of the agrarian reform law in the late fifties and early sixties of the last century).
About 40 residents of the village migrated during the years of the Syrian war, and about 70 people were forcibly displaced during the occupation, and only /13 families = 40 people/ remained, and about /20 families = 120 people/ from the recruiters were resettled in the village.
During the attack on the area, and in defense of it, the citizen “Bahajat Abdo son of Niazi,” 19 years old, from the village, and “Hosni Bahjat, 67 years old,” were killed by a militia sniper, in front of his olive press which locates on the Jenderes-Afrin Road, and the house Bahjat Hussein was also partially destroyed.
Shortly after the invasion of the village, the “Al-Sharqiya” militia stole all the contents of the houses, including supplies, copper utensils, tools and electrical-solar equipment and furniture, a jeep for the citizen “Mohammed Manan Agha”, two agricultural tractors for the brothers “Mohammed and Izzat the sons of Manan Agha”, and four electric generators for “Mohammed Manan Agha, Bahjat Khalil Bahgat, Muhammad Seydou, Batal Bahjat”, and six motorcycles for “Manan Muhammad Bahjat, Batal Bahjat, Hamouda Hosni, Bahjat Hussein, Nuri Ibek, Abdo Ali Beg”, a trailer, a water tank and a tractor plow for “Abdo Ali Bek”, and also all the contents -doors and windows- of the house of the citizen “Hassan Ramadan” of the Arab component, in addition to the theft of all cables and some poles of the electricity networks, the public land phone, and the electric transit of the village.
The “Al-Sharqiya” militias, which made a military headquarters from the villa of the forcibly displaced citizen “Fawzi Seydou son of Abdo”, seized about 5,500 olive trees, including: ( /800/ trees belonging to the sons of “Abdo Seydou”, and /1000/ trees belonging to the “Ibek” family /800/ trees for “Abdo Ali BeK”, /500/ trees for “Hussain Shivan”, /400/ trees for “Batal Bahjat”, and /2000/ trees for “state property”), and also the ground of the football field located on Jenderes Road – Afrin, which belongs to “Hassan Ramadan”, and the olive press of the martyr “Hosni Bahjat”, -which was reclaimed by his children after two years and after paying a large ransom, but these militias participated with them in investing the olive press by force- as well as the mill of the citizen “Muhammad Bahjat” located on the Jenderes-Afrin road.
A 50% royalty is imposed on the production of olive seasons for absent citizens (although they delegated their relatives to manage their property).
In March 2021, the Sham Al-Khair Association – Turkey completed the construction of a mosque called “Dar Al-Khalil” on the land of the village cemetery within an active religious movement, the militias also cut down many of the perennial trees in the courtyards of houses for firewood.
The Indigenous people of the village were subjected to various violations, including arrest and torture, where the citizen “Barakat Rasho / 60 / years” was arrested for 15 days, accompanied by torture, and his wife “Khadija / 50 / years” was imprisoned for about a week, as well as the citizen “Hamid Moussa” and his son “Musa” – Of the Arab component about a week, accompanied by torture, and each of “Niyazy Ali Bek / 65 / years old”, and “Hasan Janak” for short periods and with torture.
= Qileh “Qîlê” village:
It is located east of Jenderes district and is /5/ km away from its center.
It consists of about /20 houses = 100 people/ of the original Kurdish population, of which / 5 / families were forcibly displaced due to the aggression, and about / 60 / people remained in it, and / 6 / families from the recruiters were resettled in the village.
During the aggression on the area, and in defense of it, the girl “Media” daughter of “Ibrahim Khalil Shari” of the villagers, and / 5 / fighters, were martyred during the bombing of the village while they were in the positions of its defense, in addition to the complete destruction of the villa of “Farid Kula Khairi” and the house of “Abo” partially.
At the beginning of the invasion of the village, the “Sharqiya” militias looted many of the contents of some houses, after that, she cut down that small forest (state property) located to the west of the village, consisting of about /1000 / perennial trees for firewood.
Some of the villagers were subjected to arrest, threats and torture, including: “Ahmed and Muhammad the sons of Farid Kula Khairy” and “Assaad Saeed” who during his imprisonment the militias raided his house and threatened his wife to kidnap her son, so she had to give them all her cash and gold.
= Release of forcibly disappeared detainees:
Once again, and to confirm the existence of secret prisons and forcibly hidden detainees for more than three years, the occupation authorities released, on 1/7/2021 AD, the citizen “Suleiman Hajj Ibrahim son of Muhammad / 35 / years old” from the town of Shiye / Sheikh Al-Hadid, who was arrested On March 28, 2018, in the town of Baadina, during his temporary stay with the family of his father-in-law, two months before his release, he was transferred from Al-Ra’i secret prison to Marateh prison and a fine was imposed on him, costing his family about two thousand dollars.
It also released the citizen “Mustafa Khalil son of Mohi Al-Din, 40 years old”, from the same town and residing in the city of Afrin, about three months ago, while his relatives withheld this announcement for fear of arrest again, who was arrested in the summer of 2018, and forcibly disappeared. In al-Ra’i’s secret prison for more than two and a half years, he was subjected to severe torture, which made him lose his leg and some of his physical abilities.
= chaos and disorder:
– At about three in the afternoon of Thursday 1/7/2021 AD, four masked gunmen, in the middle of the “Tira” valley, stopped a car for the “Raju Local Council” that was carrying four employees and stripped them their money and their phones, and left them, except for Hassan Muhammad Khalil, from the village of “Barbaneh”, where they stole his pistol, tied his hands, blindfolded him, beat him and took him through a dirt road towards the village of “Jaqelmeh”, then threw him to the side of the road, despite his cooperation with the occupation authorities since its early days as a council member and responsible for the district mayors, noting that the site of the operation is under the control of the “Al-Hamzat Division”.
– On the morning of Sunday 4/7/2021 AD, armed men tied the hands of the elderly “Shaaban Muhammad Rashakour” from the village of “Khalilaka” – Bulbul, and blindfolded him, while he was in an olive field belonging to him, near the village of “Biboka” – Bulbul, next to the main road and they stole his phone and motorcycle, and left him, until some passers-by untie him, knowing that the militias of the “Al-Mu’tasim Brigade – Sultan Murad Division” control the two villages.
– According to a local media source, on 9/7/2021 AD, a man from Aleppo recruiters killed his wife with a blow of a shovel on her head in his house in Al-Filat Street in the center of Afrin, and then he burned his feet with gasoline.
– On the night of Friday/Saturday 10/7/2021 AD, a masked armed group in a taxi without a license plate kidnapped Ahmed Bakr son of Ali, a member of the Bulbul Local Council, from his home in the village of Hazra – Qastaleh Khedrya – Bulbul, and took him outside the village and threw him into a pit /2/m deep, after beating him severely with rifle butts on his head, to wake up the next morning and get out of the hole and return to be rescued to the clinic, and it is worth mentioning that he was beaten and insulted more than once previously.
= Other violations:
– Under the pretext of distributing meat on the upcoming Eid al-Adha, the “AFAD” organization – the Turkish Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency- which is linked to the intelligence, and working on collecting and organizing the entire data of family members who will receive the rations, and also the photos of their ID cards, and whether they are from the original population or from those who were recruited, and from any region; Noting that it is widely active in the areas of “Sharra / Sharan, Bulbul”.
– On the night of Wednesday/Thursday 8/7/2021 AD, an armed group stole a quantity of sumac ready for sale/approximately 600 kg x the kilo price 5000 SP = 3 million SP/, from the house of the citizen “Abdul Rahman Daoud” in the middle of the village “Zarka” – Rajo, which is controlled by the militia of “Al Majd Legion” and its leader in the village is called “Abu Walid”.
– The “Civil Defense in Afrin” confirmed that its teams put out a fire that was set in a forest in the district of Jenderes on 6/7/2021 AD and spreaded to the sorrounding olive fields -about two thousand trees with an area of /20/ hectares were burnt-, and on 7/7/2021 AD it extinguished a fire was set in an area of /8/ hectares of forests in Raju district.
Also, on the evening of 6/7/2021 AD, a fire was set in the forests of the “Kolushkeh” plateau overlooking Lake Maydanki; Given the large number of fires in forests and agricultural fields and the expansion of their areas, in addition to the continuous, unprecedented, and excessive cutting of trees since the occupation of the region, it is considered an extermination of the environment and a deliberate crime against humanity.
The militia of the “Sultan Suleiman Shah Division” led by the so-called “Muhammad Al-Jassem Abu Amsha” graduated on 7/7/2021AD, a military course for its members under the Turkish flag and in the name of the “Wolves of the North Course” which was named after the extremist Turkish “gray wolves”, and which was set up on an agricultural land belonging to the family of “Colin Alloush” from the town of Shiye/Sheikh Al-Hadid, and between the olive fields in the plains of the town, which caused extensive damage to the property of the people.
Those of the Syrians who do not condemn the hostile practices of the Syrian militias against the Kurds in Syria, and in Afrin region in particular cannot ask the Ankara government where it takes thousands of its members to its foreign wars!
Media Office – Afrin
The Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekiti)
-The village of “Berjekeh-Bircikê” – Jenderes, and the villa of the citizen “Fawzi Seydou” – the military headquarters of the “Sharqiya” militia
– Fire in forests in Rajo district.
– Fire in forests in Jenderes district.
– The land of the “Colin Alloush” family – the town of Shiye / Sheikh Al-Hadid, the site of a military course for the militia of the “Sultan Suleiman Shah Division”.
Translated by Europe’s Organization of Democratic Unity Kurdish Party in Syria (Yekîti)