121 التقرير الاسبوعي ـ عفرين تحت الاحتلال 

مترجم إلى اللغة الانكليزية 

Afrin Under Occupation (121):

Looting and Arrests in “Qaddah” village, Clashes and Blasts, Arrests and Theft of Antiquities


Under the eyes of Turkish intelligence and soldiers, estimated at 20 thousand armed men with various types of weapons, the terrorist militias of Jabhat al-Nusra with the remnants of ISIS move freely and commit heinous crimes inside the areas of Turkey’s influence which live in a miserable state of chaos, especially Afrin, which is suffering from on-going violations and crimes, including:

= Since they took control of the village of Qudah-Rajo, the militias of “Hamzat Division” have seized the homes and properties of about / 170 / forcibly displaced families out of / 250 / families.  Among the confiscated properties is approximately 25 thousand olive trees, leave alone other robberies and royalties imposed on the existent people in the village; as 10% of the oil production was seized this season, and they were not spared from harassment and other violations. 12 citizens were arrested on 10/22/2020 on charges of relationship with the previous Self- Administration, and still one of them named “Ahmed Ezzat Othman / 40 / years is in detention, while the rest were released after imposing a fine of / 400 / thousand Syrian pounds for each of them.

= Chaos and insecurity:

–  During Sunday 13/12/2020 twenty-four clock round, clashes with light and medium weapons took place inside the city of Jenderes, between the militias of “Nour al-Din Zangi” and the ” Al-Sham Liberation Army ” due to a dispute over the seizure of the house of a displaced citizen of the city’s original inhabitants. As a result, there were casualties from both sides and a house was burned; in addition to creating a state of panic among the residents.  The clashes ended by the intervention of a military convoy from other militias.

– On Monday 14/12/2020 AD, clashes broke out between two groups of militias affiliated with the “Syrian National Army” inside the town of Medanaki, due to a dispute over the seizure of the house of the forcibly displaced Kurdish citizen Rashid Othman. They scared the people and led to the injury of the elderly man, “Ibrahim Jaber” from town with his hand.

– At 10:30 p.m. on 18/12/2020 AD, heavy and random shooting took place in the town of Jalma, when the militias randomly arrested about / 15 / citizens of the town’s residents, and took them to the police station for investigation and questioning. They were released on the same day.

– On the evening of 18/12/2020 AD, a car belonging to one of the leaders of the “Ashamiya Front” militia was detonated with an explosive device in the city center of Mabata / Maabatli, causing him and two of his companions to be seriously injured and others wounded.

– Local sources reported that on 18/12/2020, arms and ammunition depot belonging to the “Ahrar al-Sham militia” in the village of Jawala – Jenderes, had been exploded and fires broke out. As a result, the guards were killed.

=  Dudira Hill  ”, located 2 km west of Maidanaki town and near the highway, has been  excavated since June 2019 AD, by heavy machinery by militias and under the supervision of Turkish intelligence. The search for and stealing antiquities and treasures continues. According to a local source – a hole of 3-5 meters in depth has been dug around the hill which contains inside an antique wall. There was a perennial oak tree near it to the south, which was also unfairly cut down.

= As an indication of the intimate relations between militias affiliated with Turkey and the terrorist “Hayat Tahrir al-Sham – Al-Nusra”, the so-called “legitimate” in the organization, Abdul Razzaq Al-Mahdi visited “Muhammad Al-Jasim Abu Amsha – the leader of the” Sultan Suleiman Shah Division ” the town of Sheikh Al-Hadid, and held a meeting, according to local media sources.

The people of Afrin are looking for the unity of the Kurds in Syria and for their brothers and honorable Syrian patriots to stand by their side, in order to get rid of the occupation and the presence of terrorist militias, and are never hopeless.


Media Office – Afrin

The Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekti)

Translated by Europe’s Organization of the Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yakiti)



– Militias take over the village of Qadda – Rajo, March 2018.

– A house burnt down in Jendires, as a result of clashes between “Al-Zanki” and “Tahrir Al-Sham.””.

–  A perennial tree that has been unfairly cut, near Dodera Hill, Maidanki in the south, June 2019.

– “Abd al-Razzaq al-Mahdi “with” Muhammad al-Jasim Abu Amsha”.
