التقرير الاسبوعي ـ عفرين تحت الاحتلال ـ 114

مترجم إلى اللغة الانكليزية 

Afrin Under Occupation (114):

Show-off Visit, Ceaseless Robbery and Ransom, Arrest of Women, Wounded and Civilian Victims Including School Students
After more than two years and a half of the occupation of Afrin by the Turkish forces, accompanied by terrorist militias under the name ” The Syrian National Army of the Syrian Interim Government, ” and after thousands of reports and videos about inhuman practices, violations and crimes committed against the indigenous civilians of Afrin region by those militias under the supervision of Turkish intelligence (MIT) , Nasr Hariri, Head of the Syrian – Brotherhood coalition, paid a show visit to Afrin region. Hariri met with members of some local councils and some Turkish state agents, in order to exaggerate the so-called ” Committee for the Restitution of Rights and Grievances ” formed among the militia leaders, in an attempt to beautify the image of the occupier and mercenaries, and to cover up the daily violations of demographic change, arbitrary arrests, kidnapping, pillage, imposition of royalties and theft of crops. The committee – according to media outlets loyal to the Coalition and Turkey – met with “notables and mayors” of some villages to hear the complaints submitted regarding “grievances and militia practices” and gave back some houses to their real owners, without seriously investigating the ” grave grievances and restitution of rights ” and without a practical response to all complaints and thereof verification under the supervision of a reliable party. In this respect, we would like to mention that the detainees in Maratah prison have not yet been released, as their fate remains unknown. Surprisingly, the committee has been formed between the coalition and the Kurdish National Council ” KNC “to find out the situation in Afrin! How can a committee formed of militias, that took up and practiced criminality on a large scale, do justice to the oppressed, and condemn themselves?  Hariri talks about restoring rights and grievances, while his militias are stealing and plundering the olive crop and insult the population now and on a large scale, day and night.
During the movements of the occupiers and mercenaries and that show-off visit, violations against civilians did not stop. Among others, we monitored the following last week:
– The militias of   Brigade of Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror which control the villages of ” Maamila, Kourka Foukani (upper) and Tahtani (lower), Araba, Sihoul Dromeh , robbed half of the olive oil product from trees belonging to forcibly  displaced citizens – even though they had already authorized their relatives. Moreover, they charged the owner with the value of empty tins (SYP4000 each) in addition to the expenses of agricultural services and wages of harvest and transportation. for example, 15 tins of oil out of 30 have been robbed in the mill of Kourka – Dromeh, from the citizen Hassan Mohamed Shaaban , who runs about 100 olive trees belonging to his brother.
– In the village of Avraz – Mapata and its environs, the militia of Shamal (North) Brigade looted half of the olive harvest for absentee citizens who had authorized their relatives to run their properties. Not only that, the militias even seized fields under the pretext that their absent owners are members of the Democratic Union Party –(PYD) like most of the villages in Afrin.
– Militias of Waqqas Brigade who dominate the village of Ashkan Gharbi – Jenders imposed on the villagers a tax that amounts to 15% of the olive harvest.
– In the early morning of 24/10/2020, the Turkish intelligence, accompanied by the so-called civil police and the militia of the ” Samarkand Brigade ,” controlling the village of Kafr Safra – Jenderes, raided some houses and arrested a number of people, including women, of whom he knew.:
Shiyar Abdul Rahman Khilou, Abdo Badri Akhras, Akid Mustafa Khilou, Murad Khalil Murad, Almaz Khalil Hajj Abdo, Muhammad Ramadan Darwish, Hassan Ayoub Ayoub, Amina Hassan Ayoub, Fella Haji Jumah Kadro, Bahri Haji Jumah Kadro, Fatima Freeqah Muhammad Abdul Rahman Darwish Mustafa Muhammad Khloo; on charges of dealing with the former Self-Administration. They were released after each one of them paid a fine of / 500 / TL. However, the citizen Fella Haji Jumah Kadro remained in detention to this date.
On the same day, this same party raided the village of Goran – Jenderes and arrested some of the villagers, including Ahmed Hussein Muhammedko, Mahmoud Ahmad Haj Barim, Muhammad Nabi Suleiman, Jihad Shukri, and Riad Murad Kadro under the pretext of their dealings with the former Self- Administration. They were all released after each one of them paid a fine of  1000 TL, with the exception of “Riyadh Mourad Kadro and Mahmoud Ahmad Hajj Barim , ” whose fate remains unknown.
–  On 14/10/2020 as a part of the Turkish Intelligence campaign in Mapata, the young citizen Ali Ahmed Aeichano, an employee at the office of Local Council was arrested. Likewise, on 20/10/2020 the citizen Kaniwar Kamal Rashid, a janitor at the Council , aged 27  years from the village Hejotka  was arrested while working in an olive field. On 16/10/2020 Adnan Hamza Mansour, from the village of Shorba – Mapata, the owner of a soap factory. The fate of the three detainees is still unaccounted for.
– In the midst of proliferation of weapons and the large number of terrorist militias and their disregard for the lives of civilians, on Thursday 29/10/2020 , and to be more accurate, at nine in the morning; several shells fell on the village of Iskan, one of them landed in the schoolyard, injuring four students, they are : ” Rasul Ahmed Baku, Suzan Jamal Bakru , and two students from the Fahd family – one of the residents of Deir Ezzor, and another shell fell on a house next to the school, injuring four people as well : the elderly Awash Jimo / 80 / years old, Khaleda Jimo and her husband, a child from the Rasul Shukri Jimo family.
It is worth noting that sources in the village confirmed that the shells were fired from a training camp for the militants at the Horsh Mela site. ( Hurşî Milê ) In the northern part of the village.
– On :26/10/2020 a bombed car exploded on Jenderes Road, in the center of Afrin, killing two people and wounding others in addition to financial damages. We could not confirm the names of the victims.
No matter how much the Turkish occupation authorities and their loyalists try to beautify the image of terrorist militias and justify their practices against civilians in the Afrin region and elsewhere, they cannot hide the daily tragic reality imposed on Afrin area.
While presenting their latest briefing on the Syrian situation via a television circuit to the Security Council, Mr. Geir Pedersen, the United Nations Special Envoy to Syria, and Mr. Mark Lowcol, the Humanitarian Coordinator in Syria, neglected the tragedies of Afrin’s people, and the direct Turkish role in them. That is a source of concern for us.
Media Office – Afrin
Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yakiti)
–  Isca – Sherawa. Village
– Goran Village – Jenders.
– Image of a bicycle bombing – Afrin.

Translated by Europe’s Organization Kurdish Democratic Unity Party (Yakiti)
