عفرين تحت الاحتلال ـ 107
باللغة الانكليزية
Afrin under occupation (107):
Mass arrests in Mabata and Janders, Continuation of Properties’ Seizure, Theft of Landline Network Equipment
The Turkish intervention in Syria is a blatant violation of the United Nations Charter, international law and the relevant Security Council resolutions regarding respect for the national sovereignty of the neighboring countries. At the very beginning of the aggression against Afrin on December 20, 2018, we described, and we still describe, it as an ” occupation “.
The Turkish authorities’ manipulation of the feelings and minds of many Syrians and their exploitation of religion and the political Islamic trends and their blatant interference in Syrian affairs, for purposes that have become known to everybody, have harmed all components of the Syrian people. The Syrian – Brotherhood coalition and its interim government and their officials, via mercenaries of the so-called militias of the ” Syrian National Army”, are considered true partners in the Turkish occupation in assuming political, legal and administrative responsibilities for all the conditions prevailing in Afrin region and the violations and crimes being committed against people, trees and stones. They are responsible for the demographic change that rises to the level of ethnic cleansing against the Kurds – the indigenous population. Violations and crimes are continuing up to this point. We have spotted some of them over the last week:
– On 09/09/2020, a Turkish military force equipped with armored vehicles, accompanied by the so-called Military Police, raided the headquarters of the local council – formed by the occupation authorities – in the city of Janderes, and arrested its chairman , Sobhi Rizk , who had assumed his duties at the beginning of the occupation of the region, and a number of the Council’s members: ” Kamal Yusuf – Termish, Luqman Yusuf – Termish, Khadija Sari – Jenders, Jamil Hamou and his son Dalkash – Jobana, Mohammed Bakr – Qarmitloq, Essam Bakro – Turmanin ” for unknown reasons. Shortly after, the same force raided the house of ” Subhi Rizk ” and ” Abu Dilo”, and seized some of their contents.
– On 06/09/2020 AD, the Turkish intelligence, accompanied by the so-called Military Police, carried out a massive campaign of arrests in the town of Mabata, targeting about20 citizens, including women and some of its local council members, among whom we could document: Ibrahim Khanjar and his daughter Media, Muhammad Manan Manan, Tolin Rashid, Mustafa Mamish Hamid, Jalal Hussein Karoki. The detention even included some municipality workers (cleaners) whereby 600TL was imposed as a fine on each one of them provided that it be completed to/ 1000TL / after bringing them to a summary trial.
Any Kurdish citizen from the town talks about the prevailing conditions in a private telephone call is a potential martyr or detainee. Being a Kurd, you are targeted. Any person recruited into self-protection duty or even subscribed to electrical power supplies or used the company’s water during the rule of Self-Administration is now considered a criminal by the militias and Turkish intelligence. Cases of raping have been reported, but the families of the raped women do not disclose them order to preserve their daughters’ reputation”.
It is worth saying that the militia controlling the town is the ” Ashamiya Front ” and there’s a center for the Turkish army and intelligence and a center for the so-called ” Civil Police. “”.
– In order to put pressure on the remaining Kurdish population of Afrin, and push them to emigrate or displace, their livelihoods and sources of living are cut off. For example, but not limited to, the militia of the “Sultan Suleiman Shah Brigade – Al – Amshat” confiscated a number of shops in the city center of Shiyeh – Sheikh Al-Hadid, for the benefit of its leader named ” Muhammad al-Jasim Abu Amsha”, in order to open a department store after restoring them. Likewise, these militias inspect the homes of citizens in the sub-district with the intention of knowing the number of indigenous residents living there, so that the settlers will be given lodging with them or force the former to leave their homes or live with others. The same militia had dug under the old mosque building in the ” Shiyeh ” center, searching for ruins, which led to the fall of its minaret and some parts of the building.
– On 05/09/2020 AD Turkish intelligence arrested the citizen Mustafa Rashid Zilvo from his home in the town of Baadina – Rajo , and is still unaccounted for.
– Alhamzat militia controlling the village “of Darkir continues stealing public and private properties. It has recently stolen all overhead and underground telephone cables between the ” Mabata ” and ” Darkir”. It has also cut all wooden telephone columns, distribution boxes and metal hooks of the fixed telephone network.
The continuous and ongoing attempts of the Turkish occupation authorities to break the will of the steadfast people of Afrin and discourage them from insistence on the withdrawal of the Turks from the region and the return of forcibly displaced to their homes, will not succeed, on the contrary it will increase their insistence on their demands and defense of Afrin and the struggle to return it back with the rest of the occupied Syrian areas to national sovereignty and administration of its people.
Media Office – Afrin
The Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yakiti)
– The “ Civil Police ” of the Turkish occupation in Mabata.
– Jenders during the Turkish aggression.
– the minaret of the mosque and the building of ” Xie ” old demolished by the militia ” Alamchat”.