أصدرت منظمة أوربا لحزب الوحدة الديمقراطي الكردي في سوريا نداء إلى الشعوب المحبّة للحريّة والسلام باللغة العربيّة من أجل توزيعها في دول الاتّحاد الأوربي وإليكم نص البيان باللغة الإنكليزية.
To all peace and freedom-loving people and the Humanitarian organisations
The Kurdish region of Afrin which is located in the North of Syria, faces an intensified bombardment by the Turkish army and several extremist terrorist groups, supported by the Turkish government, causing increasingly the Death of civilians and wounded people. Particularly, children and women, in addition to the destruction of hundreds of houses, schools and health establishments.
Consequently, a lot of civilians have lost their homes so they have no choice but to live in caves and sleep outdoors in these hard winter conditions, as well as the discontinuance of study in all schools. The infants also suffer from milk and medicaments loss. This endangers them to lose their lives, in case the Turkish bombardment continues.
The videos and photos of the Turkish terrorism victims of children and women, shows the cries of patient and wounded people in Afrin. We would like to call the attention of the high-principle and humanitarians to move, making pressure on the Turkish government to put an end to these air and artillery strikes on Afrin.
We appeal you help to the Citizens of Afrin and sympathise with them, for urging your governments to press on the Turkish regime to stop its military operations against civilians in Afrin. For it to be a peaceful territory again. We call the world health organisations and the United nations organisation for childhood (UNICEF), red cross organisation and others to take their responsibility for women and children in Afrin.
We want our children to live peacefully, away from killing and terrorism! All they want is to live in peace and to go back to their old lifestyles. Please help them!
Leadership of the Organization of Europe of
the Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekiti)
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